Pokemon Card Set Symbols

Every Pokemon Card belongs to a specific set.  Sets are the group of cards that are released at the same time, and found (usually) in booster packs.  For example, the most recent set at the time of writing is Furious Fists.  So when you buy a pack of Furious Fists at the store, every card in the pack will have the set symbol for that set. The set symbol is found in the bottom right hand corner of the card, next to the set number.  The number (i.e. 57/112) is the number of that card in that specific set. So for example, 10/111 in Furious Fists refers to card number 10 (magmar) out of the 111 cards.  Now the set number can be greater than the maximum (i.e. 112/111) which refers to a secret rare card, but more on that in the article on card rarity. Sets provide an easy framework for collectors to organize by, and can be very helpful when identifying certain cards since there are many different cards of the same Pokemon.  Below is a list of all the set symbols so far.

Base Series
Base Set (No Symbol)
Jungle SetSymbolJungle.png
Fossil SetSymbolFossil.png
Base Set 2 SetSymbolBase Set 2.png
Team Rocket SetSymbolTeam Rocket.png
Gym Heroes SetSymbolGym Heroes.png
Gym Challenge SetSymbolGym Challenge.png

Neo Series
Neo Genesis SetSymbolNeo Genesis.png
Neo Discovery SetSymbolNeo Discovery.png
Neo Revelation SetSymbolNeo Revelation.png
Neo Destiny SetSymbolNeo Destiny.png
Legendary Collection SetSymbolLegendary Collection.png

Expedition Base Set SetSymbolExpedition.png
Aquapolis SetSymbolAquapolis.png
Skyridge SetSymbolSkyridge.png

EX Series
EX Ruby & Sapphire SetSymbolRuby and Sapphire.png
EX Sandstorm SetSymbolSandstorm.png
EX Dragon SetSymbolDragon.png
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua SetSymbolTeam Magma vs Team Aqua.png
EX Hidden Legends SetSymbolHidden Legends.png
EX FireRed & LeafGreen SetSymbolFireRed and LeafGreen.png
EX Team Rocket Returns SetSymbolTeam Rocket Returns.png
EX Deoxys SetSymbolDeoxys.png
EX Emerald SetSymbolEmerald.png
EX Unseen Forces SetSymbolUnseen Forces.png
EX Delta Species SetSymbolDelta Species.png
EX Legend Maker SetSymbolLegend Maker.png
EX Holon Phantoms SetSymbolHolon Phantoms.png
EX Crystal Guardians SetSymbolCrystal Guardians.png
EX Dragon Frontiers SetSymbolDragon Frontiers.png
EX Power Keepers SetSymbolPower Keepers.png

DP Series
Diamond & Pearl SetSymbolDiamond and Pearl.png
Mysterious Treasures SetSymbolMysterious Treasures.png
Secret Wonders SetSymbolSecret Wonders.png
Great Encounters SetSymbolGreat Encounters.png
Majestic Dawn SetSymbolMajestic Dawn.png
Legends Awakened SetSymbolLegends Awakened.png
Stormfront SetSymbolStormfront.png

Platinum Series
Platinum SetSymbolPlatinum.png
Rising Rivals SetSymbolRising Rivals.png
Supreme Victors SetSymbolSupreme Victors.png
Arceus SetSymbolArceus.png

HGSS Series
HeartGold & SoulSilver SetSymbolHeartGold and SoulSilver.png
Unleashed SetSymbolUnleashed.png
Undaunted SetSymbolUndaunted.png
Triumphant SetSymbolTriumphant.png
Call of Legends SetSymbolCall of Legends.png

BW Series
Black & White SetSymbolBlack and White.png
Emerging Powers SetSymbolEmerging Powers.png
Noble Victories SetSymbolNoble Victories.png
Next Destinies SetSymbolNext Destinies.png
Dark Explorers SetSymbolDark Explorers.png
Dragons Exalted SetSymbolDragons Exalted.png
Boundaries Crossed SetSymbolBoundaries Crossed.png
Plasma Storm SetSymbolPlasma Storm.png
Plasma Freeze SetSymbolPlasma Freeze.png
Plasma Blast SetSymbolPlasma Blast.png
Legendary Treasures SetSymbolLegendary Treasures.png

XY Series
Kalos Starter Set SetSymbolKalos Starter Set.png
XY SetSymbolXY.png
Flashfire SetSymbolFlashfire.png
Furious Fists SetSymbolFurious Fists.png
Phantom Forces (TBA November :D)

Various Promo Sets
POP Series 1-9 SetSymbolPOP Series 1.png (obviously series 2-9 have a different number there)
Black Star Promo SetSymbolPromo.png (various series determined by set number. DP, HGSS, BW, XY all have prefixes i.e. BW7 or HGSS5. if no prefix anything earlier than EX Series is a Wizards of the Coast Promo, After that is Nintendo Black Star Promo.)
Southern Islands SetSymbolSouthern Islands.png
Dragon Vault SetSymbolDragon Vault.png
Best Of Game SetSymbolBest.png
2011 McDonald's SetSymbolMcDonalds Collection.png
2012 McDonald's SetSymbolMcDonalds Collection 2012.png     
2013 McDonald's
2014 McDonald's 
Pokemon Rumble SetSymbolPokemon Rumble.png
Poke Card Creator Pack Kids WB logo.png

Trainer Kits
Latios Half Deck SetSymbolLatiosHalfDeck.png
Latias Half Deck SetSymbolLatiasHalfDeck.png
Plusle Half Deck SetSymbolPlusleHalfDeck.png
Minun Half Deck SetSymbolMinunHalfDeck.png
Lucario Half Deck LucarioHalfDeckSymbol.png
Manaphy Half Deck ManaphyHalfDeckSymbol.png
Gyarados Half Deck GyaradosHalfDeckSymbol.png
Raichu Half Deck RaichuHalfDeckSymbol.png
Excadrill Half Deck ExcadrillHalfDeckSymbol.png
Zoroark Half Deck ZoroarkHalfDeckSymbol.png
Sylveon Half Deck 
Noivern Half Deck (cant find a picture online, will update with one as soon as I pull out my cards and take a picture!)

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